At Mediation-NYC we understand that divorce is a very difficult and emotional process to go through. It is not easy to have to think about important decisions and navigate through a time in life that can be both traumatic and challenging. My role as a divorce mediator is to be a neutral third party and to facilitate the conversation that needs to happen between the divorcing couple. I am there to listen keenly to everything the parties have to say with understanding and care, to make sure the couple has an opportunity to have their needs met and is heard, is given an equal opportunity to advocate for themselves, and that all legal matters that need to be decided are. These matters Include but are not limited to future parenting plans, child custody and support, property and debt distribution, spousal maintenance and others. These matters need to be decided so that each person can end their existing relationship with the closure they need to move on with their lives.
Advantages to using Divorce Mediation
There are many advantages to using mediation over the other alternatives to obtaining a divorce in New York State. ?For one, it is generally much more cost effective.? By choosing mediation you are making the decisions for yourself and do so in an environment that promotes collaboration. The benefit of collaboration is that it allows parties to spend much less overall time than couples who ask the State to decide for them. This fact makes mediation especially attractive to New Yorkers.? Typically I will meet with the divorcing couple for about 5-7 sessions each lasting approximately 2 hours. While there are many variables, it is possible to be divorced within 6-8 months from your first session, sometimes sooner.? However the most important reason to at least attempt mediation is that it is very often in the best interest of the parties and their families to work out these very important life decisions for themselves rather than have lawyers and judges decide for them.? Of course you are the best person to know what is right for you and your family.? Mediation is a process that puts you in complete control during a time when it feels like you are anything but.? In a world that is already stressful and chaotic mediation offers the promise of reducing the angst and tension to one of life’s darkest times.
We at Mediation-NYC are experienced and ready to give you the guidance and assistance you need and deserve to move on to a new chapter in your life in a safe, cost efficient, non-adversarial environment.? Please call or email now for more information or if you have any questions.